Desktop Guide to
Good Juvenile Probation Practice

The Role of the Judge in Transforming Juvenile Probation: A Toolkit for Leadership

The Role of the Judge in Transforming Juvenile Probation: A Toolkit for Leadership

A tool that will help jurisdictions assess whether their juvenile probation practices are ready to undergo a transformation that would promote youth development instead of pulling young people deeper into the system.

The NCJFCJ has prepared, The Role of the Judge in Transforming Juvenile Probation: A Toolkit for Leadership (hereafter also referred to as the Toolkit) to provide judges with practical strategies and recommendations to help their jurisdictions take on probation transformation efforts. The Toolkit offers detailed descriptions of recommended changes in five areas of probation practice:

  • Individualized Case Planning
  • Incentives and Rewards
  • Minimizing Conditions of Probation
  • Alternatives to Confinement in Response to Violations
  • Probation as a Disposition for Youth Involved in Serious Delinquency
